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Neither Here Nor There – Drawing with Negative Space



Feb. 24, and March 3, 10, 17, and 24

Cover image from Holter Museum of Art Collection; Litherland 3 VII by artist Carolyn Krieg.

Price: $81.45

Member: $70.83

Supply cost: $15

Some supplies provided (charcoal, graphite, chalk and oil pastels, watercolor palettes, acrylic and tempera paints). The museum will provide loose drawing paper but if you have a preference of sketchbook, please bring it with.


Negative space is the area around and between objects. How do you train your “drawing eye” to draw with negative space? Instead of drawing the actual object, we learn to draw what is between, around, and surrounding an object. Understanding how to draw with negative space can help create a strong sense of depth or 3d layered perception, can assist in composition and balance, and can focus or distill an image to direct the viewer’s eye. It can also help an artist understand the difference between drawing what they see and drawing what they know.

Artist Paul Blumenthal will instruct participants in drawing what is “neither here nor there”, also known as negative space.

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