Kathleen Herlihy-Paoli
Paintings featuring sharply rendered subjects that focus on water issues and wildfire in the West. Each painting features a classic theater stage with parted curtains and the main subject pictured center stage. Curated into EXTRACTION: Art on The Edge of the Abyss

Kathleen Herlihy-Paoli:


“Personal events as well as political and world events have inspired me to create this series of paintings.  I find the stage and theater curtains a useful metaphor to call attention to any subject.  Many of these paintings reference our natural resources, our changing climate, and our current societal landscape.”


“The title Act Three also refers to what I call the ‘third stage’ of my life, where painting will be my chief focus. Many of the paintings in the series include objects such as buttons or beads. These are hand-stitched onto the canvas in memory of my maternal grandmother who was an excellent seamstress and a strong influence in my life.

The curtain paintings honor the influence of theater and live performance, which has always been very inspirational to me. Theater reflects truths about our culture and our lives, and has always held up a mirror allowing us to see ourselves and our society more clearly. ”

—Kathy Herlihy-Paoli