Learn & Register

Adventures in Cardboard: Open Armory



Ages 7-15

Class starts Jan. 16 and runs until June 5*

*There will be no class April 3

Pay for one class

Price: $19

Member: $16

Pay for a month of classes

Price: $69.50

Member: $59

Pay for the semester (prorated as of 2/21 for March 6-June 5; this attendance does not include February 27)

Price: $205

Member: $166

Missed a few sessions and want to join mid-way in the month? Contact our Education team for pro-rated costs.


Lets build! Challenge your problem-solving skills, art-making muscles, and engineering know-how while growing and gaining confidence and ability in your own ability to create sculptural forms of both practical and impractical use! Projects can range in size and time, from a small dagger completed in an hour to a massive puppeteer-ed dragon completed over the course of multiple weeks!

Experienced cardboardian artists (artists who love cardboard) will be on hand to assist in building, teach knew skills, and encourage play and whimsy in a class fully immersed in Adventures in Cardboard’s world of creative mythic-outdoor play!

To learn more about Adventures in Cardboard Montana, visit their website: https://montana.adventuresincardboard.com/

If you are having difficulties with registration, contact [email protected]. We will reserve a spot for you and get you signed up.

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