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Blood, Guts, and Gore

August 12-16


Ages 12-18

Location: Holter Museum of Art.

Price: $137

Member: $115

Scholarships are available at https://holtermuseum.org/education/scholarship-application


Join instructor Robert as he shows us the basic skills needed to take anything from our fridge, the garage, our parent’s closet, or the hardware store to create grotesque and absurd b-rated horror movie effects! Each day, participants will learn a new effect or technique: whether it be creating guts with pasta, making appendages with wax, learning to work with expanding foam, recreating rotting flesh with simple plastic bags, or a proper blood recipe so convincing your friends will scream! This camp will teach you how to make anything and everything you need for a good-old backyard homebrewed horror movie! Ideal for the teenager interested in zombies, monsters, slashers, comic book, and of course, blood, guts, and gore! Inspired by 80s horror movies and grindhouse cinema, this camp will show young artists that they can do anything if they put their mind to it, even if it is totally absurd and out of this world and definitely not coming out in the wash.

The why? Why do we make things look gory? For movies, special effects, haunted houses, etc. gore lends to visual experience and storytelling. Gore can also be used in fine art as a tool for illustrating conceptual ideas. What better way to illustrate the effects of accumulating trash on an environment than a tree wrapped in warped plastic bags? Gore can also be used to build empathy. When you experience a gory visual effect or see a horror movie with aspects of gore, it has an aspect of building human empathy.

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