March 15 and 16
1-4pm and 1-3pm
Will involve lard. Not gluten-free.
Registration capped at 6.
A Pie for Me? Oh My! – 1 baker, 1 pie
Price: $45
Member: $35
Bake with a Friend – 2 bakers, 1 pie. If you’d like to sign up for 2 bakers to learn and work together on 1 pie.
Ages 10 and under welcome with responsible guardian.
Price: $12
Join for a lip smacking, pie making, culinary arts class. Sam Turner, professional pie extraordinaire, will teach a variety of techniques and flavors culled from his experiences as a Seattle pie chef. At the end of the class, walk away with a tasty treat and the knowledge to make at home!
Meet your instructor: Sam Turner has taught classes with the Holter Museum of Art for the past 3 years. He is most known for his resin and silicone work but has a long history in the culinary arts as a Pastry Chef for Ala Mode Pie in Seattle, WA. His current favorite pie: cherry.
Other classes in the series:
Culinary Arts: Chocolate Mousse Pie
Culinary Arts: Berry Lattice Pie
If you are having difficulties with registration, contact [email protected]. We will reserve a spot for you and get you signed up.
We have reached maximum registration for this activity. Thank you for your interest! Check back soon to see the next art activity to be happening at the Holter Museum of Art!
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