Learn & Register

Sgraffito Ceramica Classe

Feb. 15


There will be a half hour break for lunch.

Price: $62

Member: $52


Sgraffito comes from the Italian word to “scratch”. It is a decorative technique that involves partially scratching away a top surface to reveal a differently colored material beneath. In this class we will learn “sgraffito” as it applies to pottery.

Participants will start by learning slab-building to make a clay plate. We will then apply and heat-treat glazes to prepare for our sgraffito application. After a short lunch break, its time to get scratching! Come with a design in mind. Our instructor will guide the process.

You have your choice of a velvet blue or black underglaze.

Fun trivia: “Ceramica” is pottery in Italian. “Classe” means class. Lets learn together in this “sgraffito ceramica classe”!

Class example:

If you are having difficulties with registration, contact [email protected]. We will reserve a spot for you and get you signed up.

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