Opening Reception – November 8th from 4:00 – 8:00 p.m.
Ho-Ho-Holter is a longstanding Holter and Community tradition, kicking off the holiday season with intention to buy local, buy handmade this holiday season! This annual show and sale features handmade art and fine craft from local and regional artists.
Highlighting the immense amount of talent in and around Montana, Ho-Ho-Holter offers patrons an opportunity to collect, and purchase handmade work for their private collection or as gifts this holiday season.
This sale spans the Holter Store and fills three galleries with artwork from over 40 local and regional artists and craftspeople, inviting the community to come enjoy, celebrate, give, and collect from artists!
Jeremie Harris
Cheryl Hart
Chuck Hunter
Jeff Miller
Lindy Miller
Carol Montgomery
Caleb Pattin
David Raba
Cynthia Tsai
Museum Hours:
Tuesday – Saturday:
10 a.m. – 5:30 p.m.
10 a.m. – 8 p.m.
Closed Sunday and Monday
Committed to showcasing legacy, established and emerging artists, we aim to be a vibrant hub that celebrates the power of art, in all its forms and expressions, to transform lives.
Love what we do? Consider donating!