The Spiritual in Abstract

Linda McCray

Linda McCray:

The Spiritual in Abstract

Past Exhibition

This exhibition features boundary-transcending abstract spiritual paintings by Clancy-based artist Linda McCray. All cultures throughout the ages have created spiritual art—McCray’s ethereal abstraction and soulful conceptual work brings up-to-date the oldest theme in art, the spiritual. While her provocative paintings have specific meaning to herself, McCray underlies her transcendent illuminations with cross-cultural sensibilities to ignite spiritual curiosity and unique experiences for all.

Linda McCray steps into the breach that exists between contemporary art and the faith community with her paintings. While contemporary art is noted for its decidedly secular bent and its often angst-full content, traditional religious art can be described as overly sentimental, romantic, or anachronistic. Motivated by the pursuit of spiritual meaning and enlightenment in her work, McCray uses light, color, and texture in her powerful, abstract compositions to create emotionally charged images which afford the faithful instruction, the seeker time for reflection, and the pilgrim a place of refuge.

Artist Statement

I translate universal spiritual truths into abstract paintings that speak to others, regardless of their traditions.

To form visible signs of invisible grace, I use abstraction which—so powerfully through light, color, and texture—speaks directly to the heart.

I layer my paintings with symbolism. To create symbolism, I use abstract elements, certain materials, and selected painting methods. For example, the abstract element and universal symbol of light underlie all of my paintings. I image my Creator as Light. To capture feelings of the warmth and peace of the Divine Presence, I use a number of techniques including the old masters’ use of glazes to capture luminosity. I integrate found objects that abound with symbolism, such as sand from the River Jordan, ashes and palms. The torn-like edges symbolize that we are a part of something much greater—our collective Creator. I create with acrylic paint on wood panel.

All cultures throughout the ages have created spiritual art—my ethereal abstraction and soulful conceptual work brings up-to-date the oldest theme in art, the spiritual. While my provocative paintings have specific meaning to me, I underlie my transcendent illuminations with cross-cultural sensibilities to ignite spiritual curiosity and unique experiences for all.