Private Events

Dungeons and Dragons in the Realm of AiC Party

Gather your crew of adventurers for a Dungeon and Dragon’s one-shot campaign filled with storytelling, roleplay, and the luck of the dice. All with the signature cardboard twist that Adventures in Cardboard is known for!

Big Draw Showdown

This art party will have participants creating collaborative pieces of art together and playing fun games for a creative time! Fun for all ages!

Clashing Swords Party

Adventures in Cardboard artists help kids create their own fantastic swords and shields to take home, then host an all-out game of Strategic Capture the Flag.

Private Art Party: Paint or Clay

Join the Holter for a private happy hour with paint or clay! Invite friends, family, or coworkers to a memorable gathering where participants can paint or build the evening away and walk away with a one-of-kind memory!