Summer Camps

June 11-13, 9:00am-3:00pm. Ages 8-16.

Adventures in Cardboard: Extended Game Day

Adventures in Cardboard uses the power of fantasy storytelling to explore and combine crafting, improvised roleplay, and tactical competition into creative mythic outdoor play. Each camp with Adventures in Cardboard will see new adventures, new storylines, new quests, and new creations spurred on by the creativity, playfulness, and imagination of participants

June 11-13, 9:00am-12:00pm. Ages 3-7

Summer Passport

Explore the arts in a taste of summer for ages 3-7! Over the course of 3 days, sample the various summer camps happening at the museum.

June 11-13, 9am-3pm. Ages 8+

Summer Camp Sampling

Sample all of summer camp! Try out screenprinting, learn digital animation, and cook for a day as we cram 3 months of summer into 3 days.

June 16-21, 9:00AM-12:00PM. Ages 3-7

Shea’s Favs with Dear Potato

Come join Shea in making what she loves! We will create all her fav delectable desserts, playing with doughs, fillings, and anything else she loves

July 16-21, 9:00AM-12:00PM. Ages 5-7

Pint-size Picasso

Paint like Picasso as we wiggle, wag, and sometimes *wear* our art. Lets learn to paint like the greats while making one-of-a-kind art!

June 16-21, 9am-12pm. Ages 13-17

Animated Digital Media

Learn to create layers, animated effects, filters, and much more in your art using digital media. This class is for beginners, intermediate learners, and experienced youth artists seeking to gain more from digital media.

June 23-27, 9:00am-3:00pm. Ages 8-16. FULL.

Adventures in Cardboard: Week 1

Adventures in Cardboard uses the power of fantasy storytelling to explore and combine crafting, improvised roleplay, and tactical competition into creative mythic outdoor play. Each week of Adventures in Cardboard will see new adventures, new storylines, new quests, and new creations spurred on by the creativity, playfulness, and imagination of participants

June 30-July 3, 9:00am-3:00pm. Ages 10-17

Adventures in Cardboard: Tactical Week

Adventures in Cardboard uses the power of fantasy storytelling to explore and combine crafting, improvised roleplay, and tactical competition into creative mythic outdoor play. TACTICAL WEEK requires higher levels of fair play and maturity, features stricter gaming rules, more competition and a greater focus on team strategy and battlefield tactics

June 30-July 3, 1:00-4:00pm. Ages 8+

Printing T-shirts and More

Are you wearing clothes with a design or logo on them? Chances are they were screen printed! Screen printing is a fun and unique art form. In this camp you will learn the ins and outs of the screen printing process.

June 30-July 3, 9am-12pm. Ages 8+

Legomation: Build it Best with Brick

This camp is for lovers of Legos, video games, funny tv shows, and storytelling! Campers will join together learn to create storyboards, build a set, and utilize stop animation techniques to make a short film out of Legos!