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Vegan and Gluten-Free Dessert Camp with Dear Potato

July 15-19


Ages 4-10

Location: Main Classroom

Price: $185

Member: $165

FULL. Email education@holtermuseum.org to be placed on a waitlist.


This is the perfect camp for children with food intolerances and an interest in creating desserts. Don’t worry though, these desserts won’t lack in flavor or color! In this camp, we will make 1-2 desserts a day including: raw cheesecakes, fruit popsicles, stunning tarts, and Disco Cookies. We’ll make recipe books along the way and learn all about the magic of aquafaba, agar agar, and natural food dyes! Your kid will come home with new kitchen skills and a tasty dessert for ya’ll to enjoy.

Bio: Shea of Dear Potato will be leading adventurers in this epic quest. An excerpt from her website reads, “My recipes have zero intention of being healthy and I love experimenting with flavor. I’ve always said, “if you’re going to say that something has a flavor in it, then that flavor better punch me in the freaking face.” I’ve been a vegetarian basically my whole life and learned how to bake at a vegan/gluten-free bakery in Pike’s Place Market”

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We have reached maximum registration for this activity. Thank you for your interest! Check back soon to see the next art activity to be happening at the Holter Museum of Art! If you would like to be put on a waitlist for this camp, email Danielle at education@holtermuseum.org.