Learn & Register

Passport on a Plate

August 19-23


Ages 8+

Location: Main Classroom Holter Museum of Art

Price: $190

Member: $175

Scholarships are available at https://holtermuseum.org/education/scholarship-application


This class combines art and cooking as students explore the cultures of other countries through visual and culinary art. Participants will “travel” the globe as they create healthy and exotic foods and enjoy the fruits of their labor each day with a sit down lunch together. For the final day of the class, participants will test out their new found culinary skills and flavor knowledge to create a one-of-a-kind dish to share with class and family for a final picnic! If you love art and love to cook then this is the class for you!

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We have reached maximum registration for this activity. Thank you for your interest! Check back soon to see the next art activity to be happening at the Holter Museum of Art! If you would like to be put on a waitlist for this camp, email Danielle at education@holtermuseum.org.