Adult Programs

March 22, 12:30-4:00pm

After Jesse Wilbur: Pronto Plate Lithography with Bev Beck Glueckert

Inspired by the work of Jesse Wilbur, learn to create basic paper plate lithography with artist printmaker Bev Beck Glueckert

Mondays, 5:00-7:00pm. Feb. 24 - March 24

Neither Here Nor There – Drawing with Negative Space

Negative space is the area around and between objects. How do you draw with negative space? Take this class to find out the “how” and the “why”.

Feb. 21, 6:30-8:30pm.

“I Am More Than I Think I Am” Self-Portrait Collage

Self-discovery in collage. Join artist Liz Harter for a collage workshop of self-reflection and possibly self-discovery. With a glass of wine, beer, or NA beverage in hand, create representative portraiture using mixed medias.

Thursdays, Feb. 6, 13, 20, 27 from 5:30-7:30pm

Art of the Cards – a digital media and tarot card class

Using the art of tarot cards, this class will introduce digital art making with ProCreate, ipads, and ipencils. Walk away from the class with a card you’ve created using symbols from tarot.

March 22, 10am-12pm.

How to Draw: Jessie Wilbur’s Animal Friends

Join animal enthusiast and illustrator Eric Dymit in a “How To” as we learn how to draw the many different animals featured in Jessie Wilbur’s work. Animal trivia will be sprinkled throughout.

May 10 and 11, 1:00-4:00pm and 1:00-3:00pm.

Nerdy Stained Glass Resin Art

Create unique “stained glass” artwork while learning about Epoxy resin and the various ways to add color using Mica powders and alcohol inks. This class will feature a yet-to-be-chosen design from a favorite fandom or other Nerdy interest. Come get nerdy with us while we learn and make resin art!

March 1 and 2, 1:00-4pm and 1:00-3:00pm.

Stained Glass Resin Art

Create unique “stained glass” artwork while learning about Epoxy resin and the various ways to add color using Mica powders and alcohol inks.

March 15 and 16, 1-4pm and 1-3pm.

Culinary Arts: Lemon Meringue

Join for a lip smacking, pie making, culinary arts class. At the end of the class, walk away with a tasty treat and the knowledge to make at home!

Feb. 22, 1-4pm.

Culinary Arts: Chocolate Mousse Pie

Join for a lip smacking, pie making, culinary arts class. At the end of the class, walk away with a tasty treat and the knowledge to make at home!

April 12, 10am-12pm.

Culinary Arts: Berry Lattice Pie

Join for a lip smacking, pie making, culinary arts class. At the end of the class, walk away with a tasty treat and the knowledge to make at home!